This is the year of the "rides." I've never been one for large organized rides or races. The C2C is the "biggest" I have organized (that and the weekly Thursday night rides and Saturday morning rides), but for some reason everything is falling into place. The 2012 "season" so far includes the Beaver Freezer, CPR, MDE, TOE, and C2C. Others on the schedule are the McKenzie Trail, Mary's Peak and Black Rock. I would also like to do the NUT, Oak Ridge and Sandy Ridge.
This past week it was the CPR. This is a great local supported group ride that is put on by Michael Jacob and his supportive team. I don't know how many years they have done it, but I heard rumors of it and finally got on the mailing list. This brought together many of the local hard core (meaning dedicated year round riders) and visitors from other cities. I'm terrible with names it was so great to see 25+ riders (men and women) and try to put names I've heard about with their faces (making the BBQ would have helped).
The ride started at 9:00 a.m. at PV and wound through Mac and Dunn forests for 34 miles and 6600 feet of climb. It had been raining off and on all week, but Saturday's weather was dry and overcast. Perfect for along ride. First peak was Vineyard Mountain going down the Tower Trail, then down Beta to the first aid station at Sulfur Springs bridge. Then the second peak was the top of Stick n Eye, from there it was a wild slick ride down Shout, and I was the first rider down. It was more wild as the progressed. Then it was up to Lunch Counter for a well deserved rest (and lunch). The fourth peak was a long haul up to NW Passage. I was feeling it then, but had a great time riding new trails (Vince's and Tin Can) and All About Frank (Chuff). Then it was time for the "Signature Climb" up to Forest Peak, this one did finally really wear me out (I hike a biked about 100 yards to my legs under me again at the top). We went down the Ritz trail system (Tunnel Vision, Viagra, etc) and out to the final aid station. By now it is about 2:45 and I promised Janet I would be home at 3:30 so we could head to "Food Cart Fest" in Portland.
This is wear I made my mistake of the day. I didn't rest my legs for the final climb up "poison" a long step gravel road climb to the 5-way. I should have some great treats at the aid station (loved the potatoes and potato chips and salt drink) and added water to my Camel Back, but we pushed on. For the first 3rd of the climb I was okay, then the "wheels" fell off and my head took over. When that happens I can't make myself push through, so once again I found myself hike a biking the middle part while I recovered. I was the 3rd rider over the top, but it wasn't pretty.
Got to the car at 3:30, and by my computer I was at 32 miles and 4:58 in the saddle (I didn't go down Bonzi, but when straight down the road). I got to the car with my knees shaking trying to get my heart rate down and covered in mud (but a big smile). The only real incident as the hug cramp I got in my left calf as I tried to step up into the Explorer. It was also humorous watching Wayne almost drop his bike as he tried to lift it onto his car rack on top (I as glad to have a rear rack or I would have done the same thing).
Made it home at 3:45 and we got on the road at 4:10 for a 6:00 p.m. start at OSMI. It was great, I could eat everything I wanted, but I did miss the after-ride BBQ and swag give-away, but I have the pictures, t-shirt and memories of a great event. I only got a mosquito bite of poison oak on my arm and one on my leg. I think all the mud protected me, but the blackberry's on Little Frank got me good.
Smiles, Clean and Happy at the start |
First Aid Station |
Lunch Counter for Lunch |
Lunch Counter and 1/3 complete |
Log Crossing on All About Frank (Chuff) |
Coming Down Beta |
Aid Station #2, should have ate, drank, and waited longer - Poison Oak Protecting Mud |
A T-Shirt to prove it |