There are all kinds of "firsts" in outdoor adventure activities. Many want to be the first to say they were first. Then they can talk about their "first" assent of this place or that place. Others just want to do something that no one else has done. The rest of us have firsts, but they are personal firsts. The first time I have climbed this, road that, or done this.
I love riding favorite trails, but there is something about riding a new trail for the first time. Today was one of those days. The "Old Men Seven AM" (which is an every Saturday ride at 7:00 a.m.) road up to almost the top of Forest Peak on the "roads" then came down what I think is called "Stairway to Heaven" which is a wonderful ride, as we came out on the road (this was my second time riding this section) I said to Frank, "There must be a connector, there is to much gravel road left to go down." Sure enough Frank found it on the other side of the road and away we went on some wonderful new single track that came out on Wristman Creek. I need to learn the names, but it is well worth the climb up to enjoy the ride down.
I really enjoy the "firsts" of a new trail. Seeing where it goes, where it comes out, thinking about who put it there and wanting to thank them. Riding in the MacDunn is beautiful, and this was a perfect example. Old grown, new growth, moss, nice lines and a wonderful view as we crossed one of the log roads, of a perfect "tunnel" of evergreens on each side of the lane. It was a memorable "first" and that will soon become a "favorite."