
Monday, January 18, 2016

Moab 2015 and Why You Need a Road Trip

(Editors Note: It has been a crazy second half of the year, so I apologize for how late this post is)

Every year the "old men" take a road trip and this year was no different.  We've settled into a pattern of going to Moab every other year and then some place different on the other year.  So for example, 3 years ago we went to Moab.  Last year we did the "Tour of Oregon" and then this year it was back to Moab for our 2015 trip.

Road trips one of the things that makes riding a mountain bike special.  Getting a group of friends together to share together some new trails or familiar trails with new adventures.  The 2015 Moab trip was no different. 

Planning - the hardest part about a road trip is picking a date that everyone can agree upon.  We like to go in May or June to get away from the Oregon rains.  We then assign everyone an assignment.  "Donald" has the housing, The Prez has the transportation, PT has the trails to ride, etc.  You get the idea.  Then you are off and in our case that meant an all night 16 hour drive to Moab. We had rented an Expedition, piled 7 bikes on it, shifted drivers every 3 hours and arrived at noon on Tuesday with the temperature in the high 90's.

Riding - Road trips are fun because you get to ride trails that are different in make-up from your home trails.  In our case we have lots of flowy dirt trails, lush evergreen forests and roots.  In Moab it is rocky/sandy trails, not trees, slick rock and hot. But the riding is so fun.  Painted trails, rock drops and the Whole Enchilada.  Everyone should ride the Slick Rock trails, but for my money I'd skip even the top part of WE and just shuttle rounds of Porcupine Rim.  I've done a number of other trails around Moab and liked them all, but that is my favorite.  The thing to watch out for as you arrive later and later in the summer is the heat.  I got behind on my drinking the first day of riding in near 100 degrees and on the second day I got dehydrated (no matter how much I drank) and near heat stroke as the temp hit 106.  Learned my lesson with that one.

The Un-Planned Other Adventures - Road Trips always have unplanned events.  Ours started as we rolled into town after 16 hours of driving and promptly got a flat tire.  There will always be bike brake downs and the occasional injury.  But all of it builds memories, so don't be afraid to try.

Other Hints or Lessons Learned - Rent a house if you can, having a laundry and plenty of sleeping rooms/areas with showers and a garage to work on the bikes is wonderful.  Share making meals to save money, but hit the local spots also (not the chains, but the local spots). Assign a treasurer to keep track of what everyone spends so it can all be settled fairly at the end (gas, car, housing, groceries, etc.).  We've found that most week long trips cost about $400 to $500 each for everything once it has all been totaled.  Also, hit the local bikes shops for advice on where to ride, maps, gear, stickers and repairs.  Finally, take advantage of a shuttle service if they have it. 
Going down the "Stairs" on Amasa Out n Back
A different kind of riding
Porcupine Rim view point

Good Friends, Fun and Views


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  2. Going for any adventure tours with friends is always a big fun for almost all the people. Specially these kind of tours are really needed to keep our mind refreshed. Nice blog I must say.
